Taubman College

Lee part of MIT lecture on 'Does Drawing Have a Future?'

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Assistant Professor of Architecture, Vivian Lee, recently participated in a lecture on the topic of "Does Drawing Have a Future?" Lee joined professors John May (University of Toronto), Andrew Atwood (UC Berkeley), Kiel Moe, (Harvard GSD), William O'Brien Jr. (MIT), Jason Payne (UCLA), and Sylvia Lavin (UCLA) on April 4th to discuss how "real time" machinic processes and simulations are changing the representation space of architectural reasoning - which has historically had been monopolized by orthographic drawing.

Questions such as; "If orthography has lost its hold, what has it been replaced by?"; "What are the consequences of this replacement for practice and pedagogy?"; "What will become of drawing?"; and "What will become of architecture's relationship to its own history?" were discussed. Visit the MIT website for more information on this discussion.